

I'm having issues with the "Thug" thing. I understand the usage of it but I tell young people that Thugs are the people in movies that Bruce Lee beats with 3 kicks. Thugs are the guys that die first and never have good lines. I miss the days when people wanted to be cat burglars and con artists. Doesn't anyone run a good three card monty anymore? Besides I figure if you're going to commit a crime with the intention of getting money why do something so time consuming and risky and detrimental to your immediate surroundings as selling crack or coke or heroin. Do some Oceans Eleven or Italian Job type of gig. If I'm going to put myself at risk I'd rather do it for a couple hours and then have enough money to retire, instead of doing something risky everyday and knowing I'll have to be out there all nite, get up again tomorrow and come back to do the same thing all over. I don't see the logic. Especially with things like this DVD they sell here, you may have heard about it - Carmello Anthony is in it (dumb on his part), called Stop Snitching. Basically it's a DVD with drug dealers and killers and so forth talking about...honestly it's an evidence DVD for the police. At least that's what it will amount to. Whatever happened to commiting crimes and not talking about it. Kaiser Soze wouldn't write commentaries on the fine points of controlling a criminal organization from the shadows. Mostly because it's not smart and takes the power of anonymity from a criminal which is important. Basically if you are a criminal and the police know your name and your face (or not), you should never be anywhere describing your exploits to anyone but an accomplice....and no Mr. Blondes allowed.


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