
More from the Geek File

I can't help this one so all non-geeks bear with me and we will return to our regularly scheduled gripes, complaints and ideas. The purchase of the movie and the fact the Skip Bayless on Cold Pizza disagrees (and the fact that I don't like him lately) make this necessary.

Alien vs. Predator

I keep hearing this debate and everytime I usually hear people say the Predator would win. So that my soul can rest easy I will detail why the Aliens would win. [For format sake I'll use the arguments that the wrong losers have given - Snide comments in red]

1) The Predator can turn himself invisible. So the hell what.

The aliens naturally camoflage themselves. In all the Alien movies is a scene where one of the creatures grabs someone from a space in the wall where it's been sitting the whole time. If the aliens have been in a place for an amount of time their secretions make the environment more viable to do this in. The added bonus is that the Aliens are more animalistic and use all of their senses so even if it can't see it (presumably) can smell.

2) The Predator has all types of lasers and weapons. Sissies.

The Predator does have alot of weapons but they are all things that are created and can be taken or even just dropped and lost. The Alien is a weapon. Claws, teeth (along with a second extendable jaw), a tail (which is basically a muscle) that equates to a spear and acid for blood. Include the fact that they know their blood can burn through things and either purposefully or by accident you still have a problem. We must also consider that with all weapons the individuals skill level may vary where as with animals they all possess a basic level of knowledge of how to use, basically their body which happens to be a weapon.

3) The Predator has a nuclear bomb. He's punking out.

That's right. He's committing suicide. It only constitutes forcing a draw. He cannot win in this instance. His goal is to hunt a creature kill it and take a trophy without that he has lost. The Aliens goal is to keep the species alive. All they do is breed. They only even kill when under threat, otherwise their target becomes a host for the next Alien. So while you may stop a particular group with such an act you would only stop the species if you blew up every place where they exist.

Basic theory: All of the advantages that a predator may have are technological and can be taken away from him. All of the advantages that an Alien has are natural. An Alien also gains advantages from the particular creature it gestates inside of (in Alien3 the creature had doglike qualities because the egg was laid in a dog, in AvP the "infant" Alien had the qualities of a Predator.) Aliens while seemingly animal are intelligent and learn very quickly. This is a species that with a Queen and a drone can increase their numbers to that of any force aligned against them or any living beings around them, simultaneously removing threats to themselves. Predators themselves believe the Alien is the ultimate predatory creature and use them to weed the worthy from the unworthy amongst themselves. This acknowledges that the Predator understands dealing with the Alien is a definite challenge. We've already seen Predators fall to a soldier and a cop. Where as the people in Alien movies only survived. No one in an Alien movie defeats the Aliens, they escape them. The Aliens are a swarming sea of evolution. The shark of outer space. The perfect Predator.


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