

All the women prepare to doubt...I have never cheated. Not once in my entire life. While I have only been in 4 commited relationships, I have never slept with more than one woman at the same time. Perhaps in the same month but only after I've moved on with the first. My philosophy is if I want to commit that's the choice. There is no need to deal with anyone else. As I tell my clients who all think they are pimps etc., A player wouldn't have to lie, he just tells you what the deal is. And for those who consider that chauvinistic, a woman of any character wouldn't accept a circumstance that is not to her liking. Actually a man of quality wouldn't want a woman that let's herself get backed into a situation that she does not like. That's what I try to tell my clients. There was a time that I wanted to have women falling out of my pockets but upon trying I discovered that I naturally whittle them down over time. I can't deal with more than one person so if I'm talking to three girls over the phone one of them will end up standing out and the other two will fall by the wayside. Now I don't even pretend like I could keep up interest in more than one person. I can't expend the energy that it takes to sleep with more than one woman at once even if I'm not committed to any of them. Beyond all of this I value a relationship, I am one of the minority that marriage still means something to (and I mean out of men and women). If I am willing to commit then I want you and no one else. If I don't want to commit then I won't AND I will say this up front. My main problem has been the ones who want to believe that I'm not a man of my word so they feel like they can make me change my mind. These are the ones who equate sex to love. I think that's base and disgusting. The ideal is to have sex with a person you love, but sex is not how I express love. My actual definition of love is doing things for someone in order to nurture them so they can be come the best "them" that they can be without wanting anything in return - including the good feeling of having helped someone. Sexual attraction is chemical reaction. I started a poem about it once but never finished. It ran down the various chemical/hormonal reactions that take place when between a man and a woman when they are attracted to each other sexually. Love, IMHO, is a matter of the mental and spiritual backed by will power. A sexy body will not make me fall in love, an intelligent mind may. On the other end the sexy body helps...something has to pull you in initially. That's not to say I might not be blindfolded and hear someone give a dissertation and fall in love with their ideals. Don't forget though, the ideal is to have sex with someone you love. It's balancing the chemical with everything else. The problem with most people is that they let the chemical take control and try to explain it later. Real people master the chemical. I won't front an erect penis will put some strange thoughts into your head, you just have to be able to not entertain them enough to make you take action.


Blogger Kate said...

I agree... I think that when you are young it is easy to "let the chemical control" and try to explain later. It's the bitter truth I'm learning now - some of my relationships started with a one night stand then the rest is history... I'm at the point where I realize I can't rely on sex to be the foundation of a relationship. But it's hard when you fall for someone and they are lousy in bed. What do you do then?

3:07 PM  
Blogger Amadeo said...

The Tao of Sexology is my very good friend. I recommend it to all.

12:57 PM  

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