
Bringing People Together

This T-shirt worn by my man Abdul got praise from Thugs, Homosexuals, White, Black, Lower, middle, to upperclass and any other group of people you can think of. It brought a tear to my eye.


Blogger Jdid said...

well i guess everyone is united on that front then

11:52 AM  
Blogger brooklyn babe said...

Saw a shirt that said "lick bush"
like that one much betta. Oops. Wrong Bush... my bad. Go bye bye lol

P.S. Any mention of the Bush dynasty, raise taxes or Gas prices, and any group of folk will band. PEACE Cool Post

9:12 PM  
Blogger Richie said...

Where do I sign? Can I bring a canned good?

11:17 PM  
Blogger G. Cornelius said...

Can you get me one?
I'll keep you posted

6:45 AM  
Blogger TiffJ said...

I was walking down the street the other day, and I looked down, and saw something big stamped on the pavement.
It was Bush's dumb looking mug stenciled right on the sidewalk, and underneath, it read, "Eat The Rich" or something along those lines. Probably something done by some local anarchists... needless to say, I backed up a little and then walked forward... making sure to step right on his face.

3:15 PM  
Blogger Black Wombmyn Chat said...

"..How did he win again?"

Mofos who were scared that other people might actually get something out of this deal called 'America' voted for Bush.
Scared that gays would actually have rights, that women could continue to choose and that niggers and spicks would continue to get not a damned thing.

What's particularly embarrassing for me is all those Black reverends who were sucking Bush's dick during his campaign. I hope they finally got their 'nigger wake-up call'. The poor-white-trash contigent got theirs.

2:51 AM  

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