
Mediocrity...The New Dope

"me·di·oc·ri·ty - 1 a : the quality or state of being mediocre b : moderate ability or value
2 : a mediocre person"

I caught up with my man Abdul this past weekend (I gotta remember to post a pic of the t-shirt he had on) and as we discussed why so many things that suck are popular, He coined the phrase for me..."Mediocrity is the new dope." I see it in everything. For instance I like Kanye...but, he is just a marginal lyricist...his ability to bring a song together is great. However, he is still (in terms of the mainstream) one of the best out right now. I see it all over the place. Mediocrity...In Government - and if I hear one more person say that Bush is a great leader I'm going to suplex them off a national monument. Nothing this man has done is great, good, or even o.k. he has generally sucked...it's his modus operandi. To think most people voted for him because they thought "he would protect the country". If I thought the president was going to "protect us" I would vote for a mob boss...they can get things done. Maybe that can be Mike Tyson's new job, we'll send him to settle all beefs and if the treaty isn't signed we give him a liter of gin and 3 redbulls and tell him they said he was a punk. If I walked into a bar fight I wouldn't want Bush to be the one that had my back...to borrow a quote, "I'd rather be turked by a syphillitic bear." Even in our displeasure with people like Bush we have fallen to mediocrity. Demonstrations were good a few decades ago, especially when people would go somewhere they weren't allowed and protest. Now I think we're desensitized to it like violence on T.V. How about a new form of protest like putting a burner on Air Force One or taking a dump on the White House lawn...I don't know something different. The point was these protests used to shock people, now they just divert traffic...a little. Even in schools I remember when they lowered the passing grade to 60-69 and mad people ended up with 50's on their report cards. This country needs an enema of some sort. My favorite advocate of mediocrity is the term "hatin". I can't even say I don't like something much less that it sucks ass with out someone calling me a hater. One of the few emcees I still like said, "If I don't like, I don't like it that don't mean that I'm hating." I mean damn, let me get this straight...nothing sucks? Is this what I'm hearing. Everything can't be good. That's like those self-esteem building teachers that say "you're all winners." Bullshit, I grew up with a lot of losers and they held form throughout life. Explain them, unless we give out prizes for who can suck the most they aren't winners. Let's dispel some myths...we are not all winners, all children are not cute (and some of them are stupid) and Bush is not a great leader. What's another one...Pregnant women are not sexy...a pregnant woman my be beautiful but, it's not sexy. Let's get our terms together: Sexy - 1 : sexually suggestive or stimulating : EROTIC 2 : generally attractive or interesting : APPEALING. I would not ascribe this trait to a pregnant woman. Matter of fact I'm disgusted with those who do. When I see a pregnant woman I don't want to have sex with her! What the hell is being promoted here! She looked sexy a few months ago thus facilitating her current status. It's this type of make sure everyone feels good type of crap that kills me. Like anyone who says something has to come out and apologize to anyone who might decide they were offended by it. Like Kellen Winslow II apologized for saying he's a soldier. We have become a pussified nation and it's pissing me off. You can't even use metaphors anymore! I have made up my mind to become famous just so I can say things and not apologize. We love to bring up freedom of speech until someone says something we don't like. I hope the country is happy with this mediocre limbo that we are stuck in. Things like this will drive me to world domination just so I can enjoy myself again. I'm about to espouse a new form of P.C. - personal choice. I've made this decision and I don't care what you think, offended...tough noogies. Along with the freedom of speech you have the freedom to feel how you want, use it and leave other people the hell alone. I have to apologize for how I feel now? I would never ask that of someone. Don't feel bad that you offended me...thanks for letting me know where you stand on things.


Blogger Felicite said...

>Don't feel bad that you offended me...thanks for letting me know where you stand on things.

Well put.

5:17 PM  
Blogger Lonely Girl said...

I totally agree with you, especially about the "hatin" part. I'm always accused of being a hater just because I don't like a lot of things, particularly the quality of today's "entertainment".

7:41 PM  
Blogger TiffJ said...

Wow, you are preaching to the choir! The slag heap of mediocrity disgusts me. What kills me about the state of popular culture is that everyone *(note Bobby and Whitney)* feels the need to air their specrackular behaviour, via "reality" tv.
I finally had to make the conscious decision NOT to renew my cable subscription. I essence, I guess I am a "hater"... I HATE the nonsense that permeates society.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In some ways this goes back to some nonsense I've been reflecting on in various areas of my life. Me either accepting mediocrity INTO my life...or allowing myself to give half assed to others. Nice post A...

4:47 PM  
Blogger Jdid said...

you have said it all bro. I realized that a long time back. I used to strive but then i realized i could still be considered 'good' when i was doing a half assed job. i figured what the hell forget the over achieving mediocre is the new above average. the scale now goes from piss poor to mediocre to you're f'in amazing which on a normal scale would just be good but not great.

11:34 PM  
Blogger Amadeo said...

@ September...what's funny is I saw this the night after I wrote this and I agree.

3:57 PM  
Blogger emeralda said...

wow, there is really a soulmate speaking... or whatever you call this good feeling when you see that there are more people feeling that way.
but you warned us in your profile, that you are straight forward and thats the result.
sometimes people think i joke when i tell them what i think. it s just not normal anymore to be honest.

'we give him a liter of gin and 3 redbulls and tell him they said he was a punk.
ohhh, i loved that line!!!! and also the one about the 'you are all winners' psychopaths! it s so much crap. i was in love with a loser over five years and i know what a loser looks like. the point is they are adorable and respectable and all that but they are not winners. simply not.
thanks for that shout out it was definetely good and I wish I could print it in some magazine here just to make a point....

and to show that there are some americans outthere who are not - surprise!!!- retards!

8:37 PM  
Blogger emeralda said...

oh and what definetly adds to the meidocrity in popular culture is the star search crap. but on the other hand it elevates the quality and greatness of 'organical grown' musicians for me. i guess my english isn t that well to use the right words here but i hope you get what i am trying to say...

8:39 PM  

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