

"All I want for Christmas is booze."

I have an issue with just about every holiday. Sometimes justified, sometimes selfish, regardless there are issues. Come tip-toe through the disfunction.

Christmas - Alright I have some historical and factual issues with Christmas, but the biggest problem I had was Santa Claus. See, being that I lived in a relative "hood" I had a lot of questions...
1) We don't have a chimney so how does he get in?
He comes in through the Keyhole.
2) Where do the Reindeer go?
They park in the alley.
3) Is Santa Black or White?
Depends on the family.
4) Then what's up with those presents in the closet?
Shut up and go to bed.

My main problem with Santa Claus was the fact that despite how good I was, I didn't always get everything I wanted. The issue with this was the fact that I understood when my mother would say that she couldn't afford to buy me something but, Santa was magic right? Why wouldn't he get me what I wanted? Eventually I found out that there was no Santa Claus and this is where my it fell apart. I felt like crap...all that time my mother was buying me all these toys and I know she was scraping and just making it, yet I had been complaining about not getting what I wanted. She should have been getting all the thanks and praise, but I was pissed at some fat man who dressed like a Biohazard trash bag cause I didn't get all that I wanted. I would have never felt like that had I known she was providing my gifts. At that point I swore that I could never tell my children that lie. I don't want them to be the ones that ruin Christmas for their classmates, but I can't lie to them.

Thanksgiving- Perhaps I should pre-empt this by saying that my birthday is Nov. 29th, this means that I'm usually a few days after Thanksgiving. Just consider trying to celebrate when everyone is still in a Tryptophan induced coma from left-over turkey sandwiches. Plus people have just come over for a holiday so they tend to forget that my birthday is coming up. Add to this that my Grandmother's birthday is the 27th and it's easy for me to be forgotten about by family in general. Now I like it cause I don't care as much if people remember my birthday and it's a sure good meal. My other problem was that I noticed how hard Christmas got marketed. Before we could thaw out the turkey people were already on to Christmas. I used to want to yell at advertising firms, "Calm down and take it one holiday at a time." I mean give people some time to eat their turkey and praise the day of my birth before we start showing It's a Wonderful Life.

July 4th - My issue as a child was my family didn't want me playing with fireworks. My issue now is that people set of fireworks from May until the end of July. Alllllllll damnnnnnnnn nighttttttttt. I want to run outside and shove all their firecrackers into an undisclosed location and light them. I'm sure I'd be able to sleep over the sounds of pain. I did used to enjoy going to the harbor for the Fireworks display. I wouldn't watch them though. I'd watch people set off firecrackers and get pulled out and locked up by the cops. Good times. I think next year I'll get a Air rifle and a directional mic to deal with all those who want to use up their goods after midnight. The directional mic is so I'm sure to hear the results of my shot.

Halloween- Besides that fact that Micheal Jackson's situation has ruined Thriller for me. I NEVER got to trick or treat. See, my grandmother watched the news alot and the whole poison candy thing ruined it for me. This is also the reason why I never had a Starter Jacket...she was nervous when I got a leather. Now the other thing that compounded this was the fact that because of this she didn't want to give out candy either so we became "that" house on Halloween. If only to pour salt in my wounds by the time I was old enought to not want to dress up or trick or treat...they wanted to give out candy and they wanted me to do it. I damn near had a fit when those words were first spoken. "You want me to WHAT?!?!?!" Let's just say that while I'm a polite son and grandson this episode did not last long. That's like asking a Death Row inmate to give a stand-up comedy performance. I'll tell you this those first few Tricker Treaters got real lucky cause I was tossing away candy like a senators son at a strip club.

Damn Holidays.


Blogger ListenToLeon.net said...

This is a great entry. My birthday is December 1st, so I suffer from Post Thanksgiving/Pre Christmas effects, too. Folke try to give me one gift for my birthday AND Christmas...LOL.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Felicite said...

I'm December 1st too and a middle child so they always tried to play me but I always WON out with a B-day party.

1:53 PM  
Blogger brooklyn babe said...

Sup Sag!

*F_k Santa!*

As is kid of course Xmas was pumped in your system, I use to love te pretty lights on tree, and neatly wrapped gifts... but as I got older, I remember being disturb by seeing my first Blk Santa, and thought "He's A Bootleg" Santa cause he's Black.
Since all the Xmas decorations had santa all pink and rosy cheeked.

Soon I began to pay attention to everything "pumped" to persuade you otherwise... how Santa was going use as the "absentee" dad, that many kids did not have.
And many kids believe that those gifts came from Santa and not their hard working mom (or pops) overtime working pockets.
Santa was seen a "commercial money making" Savior in a gay ass red suit.....

2:19 PM  
Blogger brooklyn babe said...

P.S. And not to mention Ole St Nick was not a Jolly Ole Soul, he was child molester that band through out England... ok, ok lemme shut up. Because as I kid, I did love the "innocence" of Xmas,
I will not discredit that notion there...

2:22 PM  
Blogger Nina MM said...

My mean ass mother tried to pull the Halloween shenanigans too. SHE had to personally go through each and every piece of candy before I was allowed to gorge on my bounty.

Funny how after she finished rummaging through my goods, all the Mary Janes, Squirrel Nuts, and Sugar Daddys would be ghost'den a muthafucka.

I used to pray that she'd get a jabillion cavities.

But she had dentures. Clever wench.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Black Wombmyn Chat said...

See, that whole Santa Claus thing is fucking with me right now. My seven-year niece asked me just yesterday if there was really a Santa Claus. And I was faced with a spiritual dilemma. Should I continue to perpetuate the commercialized bullshit or break her little spirit and tell the truth?

What did I do?

Well, let's just say on the outside she still at least LOOKS the same ...

4:54 PM  
Blogger Dee said...

u know what sucked about xmas and thanksgiving--growing up, if my mom didn't have to work one day, she'd have to work the other. Then all our relatives would call and ask for her. How depressing.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

You forgot Valentine's day. Eeeesh. The one I hate the most. It's laden with pressure, with expectation and with drama. If you're with someone, you're tricked into thinking that the gift and it's delivery affirm or deny someone's love for you. If you're alone? You might as well flog yourself on an open highway for being outside the "clique."

9:13 AM  
Blogger Luke Cage said...

Damn, RPM ripped the words right from my mouth. The missus and I don't even recognize it as a day, since its more about marketing than anything else. But I share your sentiments on all you mentioned though man.

10:27 PM  
Blogger gid said...

I would prefer you not hot link to my site, but if you do at least give me credit by letting your readers know where you got the image from.

By the way, interesting blog...

Oh yea, feel free do delete this comment.


1:20 AM  
Blogger Diva (in Demand) said...

I'm right there with you. My birthday is 2 days before Christmas.

And none of my friends got to trick or treat! None of us! Talk about deprived.

1:30 AM  
Blogger Aquatic Muse said...

My brother, sister and I were raised believing that the Clauses at the mall were just helpers of the real Santa. Then we got the historical background of St. Nick and how he gave to orphan children. We got the TRUE MEANING but it didn't ruin the holiday.

And may I please say, poor, poor Big Bird. That's just awful.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Laylah Queen of the Night said...

Ha! On first glimpse I though that pic of Santa was from Trading Places w/ Eddie Murphy but I realize it's Bad Santa...

2:32 PM  
Blogger Jdid said...

dec 3rd son so i'm feeling you on that one. i dont think i'm teaching my kids about no satan clause either lol

11:39 AM  
Blogger TiffJ said...

I hate all the holidays...
Valentine's Day is pointless...
I do like February 15th, however....
All the candy goes on sale!

3:38 PM  
Blogger summer of sam said...

santa was the first white man i learned to be mad at.

6:18 PM  

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